Configure Discord For Del Webb Photo Club voice Chat

Before starting, you should have downloaded and installed discord.

To begin configuring for our server, click here.

You might see a message that says Demonseed has invited to join something, You can accept--That's just me!

After that, it is pretty simple. You may not require help. But, here are some hints that may or may not be useful:

It may ask you if it is OK to launch discord, Say yes,It may ask you for what name to call you. This is your name within our chat room. I highly recommend that you use your real name, or something like it, so we can easily know who you are.

it may ask you if you already have an (discord) account. If you say yes, it may ask you for your e-mail address. This is used to tie all of your Discord stuff together, especially if you use Discord in different environments.

It may have done this all in discord, or within your browser using the discord web page. Either is OK. But, to go further, make sure you quit your browser, and relaunch the actual discord app to use it. The browser version is not too hot. You can just relaunch your browser again afterwards.

When you restart discord, the servers you know about are listed on the left hand side of the window. Make sure you lick on the DWO photo club server.

Just to the right of the server list there will be a channel list. Look for general under voice channel and click on that.

Push To Talk

You do not need to configure push to talk. It only exists to address a couple of minor problems when using the program. But before deciding whether or not to use it, you should understand what it is.

When using Discord, the microphone in your computer will, in general, be off. There are two ways for it to come on. One is push to talk. The other is voice activated. You select which you want.

The problem with voice activated is that your microphone will come on whenever sound is detected in front of your computer. That is, we will be able to hear everything going on in your room. You talking to your wife, calling the dog, yelling at the grandkids, Etc. it also can result in audio feedback between users, when more than one person has their mic active.

If these issues do not trouble you, don't worry about push to talk. Voice activation is usually OK.

Push to talk addresses both of these issues. With push to talk, your microphone remains turned off until you push and hold a certain key on your keyboard. When you configure push to talk, you select which key you would like to use.

To configure push to talk, you will need to find the app settings. On the Mac, this is done by entering the preferences setting for the program. Not sure about the PC.

On the preferences page, you will see a listing of many different categories on the left-hand side of the page. Look down until you see voice and video click on that.

The pane that comes up on the right hand side of the screen will have various audio and video settings. You do not really need to worry about most of them. But about halfway down the screen is a category called input mode. There is a checkbox for voice activity and a checkbox for push to talk. Click on the push to talk checkbox.

Right underneath that check box, there is a little box that says shortcut. In this little box, will be the key that you push in order to use push to talk. You should use the key that you do not often use. The apostrophe or the reverse apostrophe are generally good keys.. You should also pick a key that you can easily find in a hurry when you need it.

If you now hit escape, it should exit the preferences page. Then, you are all done!

Got it!