RMNAAFA Member Spotlight: Jessica Warner

Most of us in Rocky Mountain NAAFA met Jessica at our Harvest Moon Dance this last fall. Jessica attended her first RMNAAFA event and became fast friends with many there. Soon after that she attended our Halloween party. Decked out in her Renaissance Period Queen costume she partied the night away. Dancing and singing Karaoke and enjoying the festivities. That evening she decided to join our membership and we couldn't be happier. She adds yet another dimension to our RMNAAFA family, bring her youth and enthusiasm with her.

 Jessica was born and raised in San Jose, California. She moved to Colorado in 1996 and would rather live here then anywhere else, except if the chance to live in Scotland presented itself! At 26 years of age she currently attends school part time to earn a degree in Psychology. What free time she has she spends painting, doing ceramics, reading, gardening, involving herself in home decorating and in the study of astrology. Combining two of her interests, Jessica was working on a ceramics project where a three-piece dinner setting would be represented by each of the zodiac signs. Unfortunately the studio she was working out of closed and the project is know on hold. Something to look forward to! That should be an interesting setting once done.

Presently employed as a corporate trainer for EDS, Jessica has had a diverse resume as for as employment goes. Before coming to Colorado she was a preschool teacher and also ran a grant-funded program for the Santa Clara County Health Department. That program did community outreach and taught resiliency skills to children between 3 and 13 who lived in an ethnically diverse and economically depressed area of town.

As RMNAAFA grows we met so many new and wonderful people. Thank you Jessica for becoming one of us.

The Member Spotlight column is the work of Patti Kelly.

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